Sunday, August 26, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

When I heard about the film of Al Gore, I became curious. I want to knowmore about this Global Warming all about. I am interested because when I was in 4th year high school our group reported about this issue. I want to extend my knowledge about this and what is the current issue regarding this global warming. The most striking scene in the movie is knowing the effects of this global warming to our own home, Earth. Some parts of the world will be down by water because of the melting of the glacier in some parts if the Earth. Also the graph of the warm and cool and the amount of carbon dioxide in the past time up to the present and even the future days. Knowing the appearance of different places before comparing by this time is very shocking.

While wathching the movie, I really feel sad because of the things happening to our environment. I feel disappointed about myself because I don't know what to do in order to help the others to solve this problem. I think that it's getting worse. We need to do something to help each other in solving this issue. What if one day our world is not in good condition? What are we going to do... How about us if this will happen?! Our government is still working to solve this problem. Now, it is our chance and time to hepl them. There are many ways to help them. We need to be updated so that we know what are the things happening around us. Using of less energy will be a great help to save carbon dioxide. Recycling also will help us a lot. We have to care for our environment because it is our home. Love it and care it as we care for ourselves.

Last week I challenge myself to get a high score for my activities in school. Some of my courses was successful about this challenge, some are not. I feel happy and grateful because I was able to beat this challenge. I relize that I can do it if I will focus to my studies anf if I will work on my own. If you challenge yourself, you will really feel that you are challenge and you want to beat and accomplish it. It is one of your accomplishment...

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