Saturday, September 1, 2007

...Yesterday and Tomorrow

Since elementary I have Religion subject. When I reached high school the term religion becomes Values Education. There we tackled about ourselves; our relationship to ourselves, God, and others; the freeedom; and being a good servant. After all those yers I think I am no yet complete...I felt something that is missing. Then, VE011 came as a course for us. Through this course I was able to feel again what is that missing thing. All of those missing feelings are solved through our discussion. I don't know how and why. As our discussion is going I am really interested because of the feeling. After some months and the term is nearlt to end, I felt relieve because thi course satisfy me as a person and I was really belong to this world. I had change a lot starting me as a person up to my point of view in life.

I become strong and confident as I enter college. I am now thinking of what is the more things I need to prioritize in order for me to excel. This values education really helps a lot to me because it explains the real situaton of ones's individual life. They show us to be a real person of who we really are. And of course without the help of my professor, Professor Joahna Toledo, we will not be able to attain this fi she did'nt teach us to be in this way. Thank you ma'am for sharing your knowledg, time and your strong determination to overcome this kind of world we have right now. We we're thanking for giving us a new hope. For letting us to become a better person Thank you very much...(and also to all my professors) I will continue what have you started on me ma'am.

Last Journal Entry

I hadlerned a lot from my past expereince. Those experience I've made go to the correct way of my life. It serves as a path to the real life. I learned that you must not give all your time for him. You will need time for yourself to relax and look back what have you done in your relationship. I also learned that you must not be good at him all the time. Lastly, I must learn how to get angry with him. Our relationship works until now, because of our openness to each other. The trust is very important and try to be honest with him. Treat him as your friend, your brother and your family.

Advice...I think you must be open and give trust to your someone. Try to have an equal time. Lastly, If he/she is mad try to give some time to let him/her realize what is their situation.

The Ninth/Tenth Meeting

I had encountered this peer pressure when somebody encouraged me to go to her house for her birhdat party. I immediately say yes without seeking the approval of my service. Then my service waited me several hours in the parking lot of the school campus. I say yes because I want to have fun. Also, that was the time when the vacation will start. After making that decision I felt disappointed to myself because I made the decision immediately without thinking of what will happen if I will do that thing. I learned that you must think a thousand time before making any decision especially if it will lad to a hard consequence.

The Eight Meeting Journal Entry

I take the challenge of telling the truth. I was able to beat the challenge because I made the challenge. I felt very happy because I was able to do a right thing for someone. I was relieve because I tell the truth to someone that I concern of. I realized that I can tell the truth to someone without hurting his and her feeling. I learned that telling the truth is an accomplishment because you had help the concern people and at the same time you have learned from that experienced you made. You will feel strong and smooth feeling for yourself...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

When I heard about the film of Al Gore, I became curious. I want to knowmore about this Global Warming all about. I am interested because when I was in 4th year high school our group reported about this issue. I want to extend my knowledge about this and what is the current issue regarding this global warming. The most striking scene in the movie is knowing the effects of this global warming to our own home, Earth. Some parts of the world will be down by water because of the melting of the glacier in some parts if the Earth. Also the graph of the warm and cool and the amount of carbon dioxide in the past time up to the present and even the future days. Knowing the appearance of different places before comparing by this time is very shocking.

While wathching the movie, I really feel sad because of the things happening to our environment. I feel disappointed about myself because I don't know what to do in order to help the others to solve this problem. I think that it's getting worse. We need to do something to help each other in solving this issue. What if one day our world is not in good condition? What are we going to do... How about us if this will happen?! Our government is still working to solve this problem. Now, it is our chance and time to hepl them. There are many ways to help them. We need to be updated so that we know what are the things happening around us. Using of less energy will be a great help to save carbon dioxide. Recycling also will help us a lot. We have to care for our environment because it is our home. Love it and care it as we care for ourselves.

Last week I challenge myself to get a high score for my activities in school. Some of my courses was successful about this challenge, some are not. I feel happy and grateful because I was able to beat this challenge. I relize that I can do it if I will focus to my studies anf if I will work on my own. If you challenge yourself, you will really feel that you are challenge and you want to beat and accomplish it. It is one of your accomplishment...

The Seventh Meeting Entry

Based on my personal health assessment, I observed that my Health Environment is in not condition. In order for me to improve this, I decide to make a plan that will help our environment looks fine. One of my plan is to observe cleanliness. I will help to care the creatures. I will sure to have a peaceful environment. The conservation of energy is also one of my paln. I was not shocked to know if I am healthy in terms of physical, emotional, and personal health because I am sure about that. Although I got an average score, I am sure that I am in good condition. Giving this assessment is a good way to know if someone is healthy. It can help us to show our condition and what are the things that we can do to improve our health.

The Sixth Meeting Entry

What is the first word coming up on your mind when you hear the word challenge? Many words can connect to this word, but for this girl, the word hard will best describe the word challenge. Challenges are coming along the way without noticing it. It will help us to feel stronger and more confident after accomplishing it. Challenges is a sign of determination because it allows you to think and strive for the trial you are accomplishing. It is a part of life that make us true.

Have you ever accomplish a challenge of reaching to a certain top?.. Reaching to the top is so hard, you must work hard for this accomplishment. It is like reaching but not sure in life because you don't know whether your going to reach it or not. The "Tatlong Krus" is located at Paete, Laguna. That place is very famous for their sculpting technique. Several people are trying to reach the top of Tatlong Krus and at the same time attend the mass and pray. Last May 2005, we went there to attend and pray. We want to feel relax and peaceful. My aunt told us and challenge us to go up there because it was a beautiful and relaxing place. She said that while going up you will not feel tired especially when you reach the top. We prove that you will not feel tired as we walk to reach the top. Some of the people were walking striaght they will only stop when they will drink water and wipe their sweat. The others are pausing to a station to pray the rosary. It's like The Way of the Cross. There are cemented stairs to walk on, but several are not. The way is zigzag, but a wide one. The day we went up is the day of its fiesta, so there are so many people. When we reach the top, we saw people playing palo sebo and other different old games. After a few hours we reach the top, a mass was celebrated. Everyone was participating and praying deeply with their hearts. After the mass, we ate our lunch and rested for several hours. It was really fun... We went down late in the afternoon and I notice there are still people going up.

This challenge was very fun and relaxing. Accomplishing something is a grateful thing we can offer to ourselves. Can you share one of your accomplishments